Thursday, August 26, 2010

Glenn Beck Rally Will Be Like Moon Landing, Wright Brothers, & Rosa Parks All Rolled Into One Massive Orgasm Of American History

If there were any thoughts left in me that Glenn Beck is merely entertainment and shouldn't be taken seriously, they've taken flight and left forever. This man is a megalomaniac. He will do anything to make his money, including taking this "character" he's created to the frustrated and uneducated, jaded and angry and yelling "fire" in the crowded theater of their helplessness. This is the end of our country's credibility. Our government destroyed its own over the last decade, and Beck is doing his part to show the rest of the world just how stupid the citizenry can be. Between this rally and the protests over Park51, we as a country are announcing proudly how callous, shallow, self-serving and idiotic we can be. We all share the blame for allowing this egomaniacal demagogue to become so public a figure, and as a country, we should be ashamed. He is no patriot. He is no American. He has no values outside his own greedy ideals. How could we let this man get to this moment in time? How complacent can we have been?

I fear for my children's future. My country has officially gone to the dogs. I am incredibly depressed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

1 comment:

jgrow2 said...

It is a sad strange thing that this boob, this overgrown baby, is such a draw. It's even sadder that so many infantile bible-clutching white folk identify with him. I hate that they think this is their country and that the rest of the world thinks this is what Americans are.

But you sir, I love.