Thursday, February 3, 2011

Obama's Restraint Doctrine: How The President's Egypt Policy Has Managed To Please No One At All

I'm amazed once again at the inanity and the hypocrisy of the right winger comments on this site. Seems like they all want POTUS to "Take A Stand" or stop "Fence-Sit­ting" or to "Do Something Meaningful­," as if doing those things would actually solve the problem in Egypt. The obvious solution in their minds is for him to do something that would by all accounts end up costing us dearly in military personnel and taxpayer dollars.

Aren't these the same people who are screaming that the POTUS is "spending the US into oblivion," or destroying the United States with debt? Shame on him for standing up for the American people by ensuring medical coverage for those of us less fortunate ("socialis­m!"), and for repealing DADT and for being more centrist than his liberal supporters want and, as a result, showing a true spirit of compromise and attempted bipartisan­ship and unity (a notion that has been completely rejected by the right, as it happens). But when faced with the incredibly complex choices of the Egypt situation, it's a sign of weakness and failed leadership to let events unfold and NOT SPEND MORE MONEY? People, if he were to pull a Dubya and invade, you'd be yelling just as loudly. This isn't a football game. This is the modern world stage. President Obama, by remaining passive in his response, IS taking a stand. He will not bring the US down another dangerous debt-ridde­n and bloodsoake­d road. Good for us.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost