Friday, September 24, 2010

The Most Ridiculous Anti-Obama Bumper Stickers EVER (PHOTOS)

Ah, but when it was Bush, there were reasons to call him an idiot. His English was atrocious, he couldn't articulate any coherent thoughts, and his past was full of failures in business and education. His policies led us into two wars of choice which destroyed our international credibility and honor, and plunged us into debt from which we will never recover. And he remains steadfastly unapologetic. THAT is stupidity.

Obama is far from stupid. He is actually extremely brilliant, and even his most fervent enemies will credit him that much. There are many things to legitimately diss him for, but calling him an idiot or stupid is just grasping at straws, indicative of an anger that cannot be explained.
About Political Humor
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New Rule: Rich People Who Complain About Being Vilified Should Be Vilified

Bill Maher, Ladies and Gentlemen. He gets it.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pope's UK Trip (PHOTOS): Pope Benedict XVI Makes Controversial Visit To Britain

Arrest him. He's a criminal, and should be in jail.

On the other hand, I would really like a "Pope Nope" T shirt.
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Never Forget: Bad Wars Aren't Possible Unless Good People Back Them

Michael Moore can be pompous, and he can be an ass. But the same can be said of all of us. He uses his knowledge and his art to inform and entertain, and although I never take what he says as indisputable (I still find after researching on my own that he's pretty much spot-on anyway), his insight, to me, is invaluable, and self-affirming. I like knowing there's somebody out there who feels the same way I do about many things.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Maher: I'll Never Win An Emmy Because I'm Atheist

Bill, it's not 'cos you're an atheist. It's 'cos you're honest and brutally so. Most people don't want that. Atheism might play a part, but it's your desire to help the world by making factually based arguments and pointing out, in an often brutal manner, how stupid people are for mistaking facts for opinions in this country. People don't like to be told how idiotic they are... Although it makes for a very interesting and funny show, and I love you for it!

Who needs an Emmy? Not you. It's just a trinket.

Keep it up, Bill.
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Stewart Exposes Fox News' Irrational Fear Of 'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart. Awesome. What amazes me is how folks like WhatChanged2 consider him a hack. Actually, he's a comedian. As such, he can be on the outside of the debates and point out the folly of it all. His target has always been the ineptitude of the media, not the evils of particular political parties. Honestly, he's pretty much the only voice of reason out there (not really, but certainly the best and highest-profile media watchdog). He understands what the role of the press is, and he knows that it's not fulfilling that role. When he does what he does best, this country is better for it. Bravo Jon!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Put up or shut up - Roger Ebert's Journal

A very astute essay on the ongoing controversy concerning the DISTRACTION that is the debate about our president's religion... Not that it should matter in the least. The guy could be bowing down to Baal for all I care; imaginary friends all offer the same crap. No proof, no substance.
Kinda like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. Enemies of the state, imho.
Put up or shut up - Roger Ebert's Journal

Monday, September 6, 2010

Future Hiring Will Mainly Benefit The High-Skilled

Thanks for nothing, NAFTA. This corporate state and our country's slavery to unregulated capitalism is going to destroy us.
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Head Games and Youth Sports: Have We Gone Too Far?

Somehow, playing sports in this country has become just as important as learning math, science and history. Could it be that professional athletes make obscene amounts of money, especially when compared to the paltry and conversely obscene wages offered to our teachers?

I think that the culture of unregulated capitalism which begs for cutthroat competition and hyper aggressive attitudes is making this country a sad excuse for what it used to be. Children should be less attracted to the lure of a big sports salary or sporting scholarship than achieving something unique or building skills and developing the smarts to be able to innovate, think critically and interact positively with the world around them. Intelligence and wisdom have sadly become incidentals to hopefully be garnered on the way to becoming the biggest and fastest athlete or sports figure, and the connection I hear many fellow parents in my area between the youth sports programs and their children's futures in business is a very strong one.

I'm sorry to say that I'm in my thirties and sound like an old fuddy-duddy, but I just don't think youth sports provide any real benefits outside the realm of physical activity. I'd much rather have my kids running or swimming or hiking than sticking them on any kind of sports team. It's become too serious and pressurized. Little League World Series' games are now on TV... Do we really need any more undue pressure on our kids?
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Glenn Beck's George Washington Whopper

Glenn Beck telling a lie??? To help paint himself as some sort of patriotic messiah???


But his followers undoubtedly fell for it and believe it to the core.
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