Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome to the Earworm Gazette!

Hi all!

This is where I hope to post stuff about music. Mostly music, anyway. My desire is to have a running commentary on all things that are taking place in my life concerning that sensitive spot that lies between my ears and my heart and my hands.

This might include a "Currently Spinning" column, or a review of an album or DVD, pictures and commentary from a show, or just some shameless self-promotion. In any case, I've got alot of great music in my iPod, on my CD shelf, in my DVD collection, and in my brain, and I enjoy putting it all out there for folks to see.

...And don't be surprised if you see something political (rarely, I hope... Not good for my health), a yummy recipe, or just random, unrelated thoughts on here. It is, after all, my blog, and I'll blog what I want to!

Stay tuned!


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