Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Fixx

Last night the directive for the band's next 3 songs were announced... Very excited about the followup practices to solidify them...

Song #1 is "One Thing Leads to Another" by The Fixx, and I'm really psyched not only because of the challenge (a three-piece acoustic guitar based band playing synth-heavy 80's music... Wow), but because I absolutely ADORE The Fixx. I make no bones about my general abhorrence of '80's new wave and pop music, but The Fixx managed to make music that was challenging lyrically, texturally and harmonically, largely free of cliche and record company influence and fripperie. The rhythm section is equal parts driving rock and funk grooves, and the watery guitar textures provide some of the most memorable hooks of the decade.

This is pop music that puts the "grit" in integrity, for me a glaring reminder that all was NOT lost in the 1980's musically. Check out "The Fixx: Greatest Hits" for a perfect primer in intelligent songwriting for the decade of plastic.

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